In this tutorial iam sharing explanation about forEach() with examples
We can pass Consumer action as a parameter to forEach() method.
There are different ways to create consumer action
1) by creating a class which implements Consumer interface by overriding action method
2) We can use the above Consumer class object as an action to forEach() We can pass Consumer action as a parameter to forEach() method.
There are different ways to create consumer action
1) by creating a class which implements Consumer interface by overriding action method
import java.util.function.Consumer; public class EmpConsumer implements Consumer<Employee>{ @Override public void accept(Employee emp) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("Employee Id: "+; System.out.println("Employee First Name: "+ emp.fname); System.out.println("Employee Second Name: "+ emp.sname); System.out.println("_____________________________________"); } }
import java.util.List; public class ForEachExample { public static void main(String a[]) { // Dummy Employees data List<Employee> empList= Employee.getEmployessSamples(); // Creating Conusumer Implementd Class Object EmpConsumer action= new EmpConsumer(); // call forEach on empList collection empList.forEach(action); } }
Now we will see another way to use action with forEach() method, that is directly we can crate Consumer object inline where ever we required.
List<Employee> empList=Employee.getEmpList(); Consumer<Employee> displayEmpDetails=emp -> { System.out.println("Employee Id: "+emp.empId); System.out.println("Employee First Name: "+emp.fname); System.out.println("Employee Second Name: "+emp.sname); System.out.println("********************"); }; empList.forEach(displayEmpDetails);
Using andThen(Consumer_Object) with Consumer
andThen is the method of Consumer Interface
following is the example with andThen()
package java8examples; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class ForEachExample { public static void main(String a[]) { List<Employee> empList= Employee.getEmployessSamples(); // Creating Conusumer Implementd Class Object EmpConsumer action= new EmpConsumer(); Consumer<Employee> action1= (Employee e) -> System.out.println(; // call forEach on empList collection empList.forEach(action1); Consumer<Employee> displayEmpDetails=emp -> { System.out.println("Employee Id: "; System.out.println("Employee First Name: "+emp.fname); System.out.println("Employee Second Name: "+emp.sname); System.out.println("********************"); }; empList.forEach(displayEmpDetails.andThen(action1)); } } // output /* 1 2 3 Employee Id: 1 Employee First Name: jai Employee Second Name: aKumar ******************** 1 Employee Id: 2 Employee First Name: jai Employee Second Name: kumar1 ******************** 2 Employee Id: 3 Employee First Name: suresh Employee Second Name: Nath ******************** 3 */
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