Factory method pattern is one of the Creational Design Pattern in java. In this design pattern super class has sub classes , and sub classes will be instantiated via Factory class only. That means class will be initiated with factory methods only, all classes initiated via factory class must belongs to same family ( that means all subclass are must has same super class ).Factory pattern will change the way of object creation at client class. At client class we can not use new operator directly to create an object for subclasses, that means we can create objects for subclass by using factory class only.
Key Components in Factory method pattern
There are different components( classes ) are existing while creating application with Factory method design patter. Following are components- Super Class ( generally it is an abstract class in most of the cases , and even super class can be interface or normal class also )
- Sub classes to super class ( there may be more than one sub class and implements super class abstract methods)
- Factory Class ( which has a factory method to produce objects of sub class based on given input to the method )
- Client class ( this is the class where we are going to create an objects fro sub class by using factory method created in factory class )
Factory Method Pattern Architecture |
Factory Method Pattern Example
For implementing factory method pattern example iam going to develop a super class named as and three sub classes named like, and In super class we have two methods where one method is concrete method and another one is abstract method which is to be implemented in sub classes. First we will see the code for these super and sub classes then we will create factory class with factory method finally ends with client class creation.public abstract class Curry { public abstract String getCurryDetails(); public void TotalMenu() { System.out.println("Curries available in this menu \n ***********************"); System.out.println("VEG | NONVEG | CHINESE \n ********************************"); } }
public class Veg extends Curry { @Override public String getCurryDetails() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "Thanks for choosing veg curry"; } }
public class NonVeg extends Curry { @Override public String getCurryDetails() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "Thanks for choosing non veg curry"; } }
public class Chinese extends Curry { @Override public String getCurryDetails() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return "Thansks for choosing Chinese curry"; } }
public class CurryFactory { // create a reference to super class Curry curry; public Curry getCurryFacttoryMethod(String ctype) { switch (ctype) { case "VEG": curry = new Veg(); break; case "NONVEG": curry = new NonVeg(); break; case "CHINESE": curry = new Chinese(); break; default: break; } return curry; } }
public class Client { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // create an object for CurryFactory class CurryFactory cFactory = new CurryFactory(); // to get veg object Curry c = cFactory.getCurryFacttoryMethod("VEG"); c.TotalMenu(); String veg = c.getCurryDetails(); // get nonveg object c = cFactory.getCurryFacttoryMethod("NONVEG"); String nonveg = c.getCurryDetails(); // get chinese object c = cFactory.getCurryFacttoryMethod("CHINESE"); String chinese = c.getCurryDetails(); System.out.println(veg + "\n ---------------------- "); System.out.println(nonveg + "\n -----------------------"); System.out.println(chinese + "\n ----------------------"); } }
Curries available in this menu *********************** VEG | NONVEG | CHINESE ******************************** Thanks for choosing veg curry ---------------------- Thanks for choosing non veg curry ----------------------- Thansks for choosing Chinese curry ----------------------
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