In this tutorial we will see how to use ElementCollection to implement one to many mapping in spring boot application. In our previous example we have used one-to-many mapping, but here we are using ElementCollection fron JPA which is a very simple than regular one-to-many mapping soluion. We are going to learn how to use these two annotations
@ElementCollection and
Database Schema
Consider a simple example where Product has multiple manufacturers and suppliers. Here we are going to create three database tables named as product, manufacturer and supplier
Database schema for product |
Dependencies to add in pom file
we need to add web, jpa and mysql driver dependencies into pom file
Database related properties
Then we need to set configurations in file for hibernate and mysql connection
# Database connection details
# hibernate as JPA imlementation = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
# this to let the spring boot to perfrom database schema update whene there is a changes in entity class
Creating Embeddable model Classes
This is the major step here we can see the differences than regular one-to-mapping and
ElementCollection. We are going to create Manufacturer and Supplier model classes as
embeddable class type.
Creating embeddable model class
By using @Embeddable a class level annotation can be used to create embeddable model class
public class Manufacturer {
String manufacturerName;
String mlocation;
public Manufacturer(@NotNull String manufacturerName, @NotNull String mlocation) {
this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
this.mlocation = mlocation;
public String getManufacturerName() {
return manufacturerName;
public void setManufacturerName(String manufacturerName) {
this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
public String getMlocation() {
return mlocation;
public void setMlocation(String mlocation) {
this.mlocation = mlocation;
For supplier database table we are not going to create a separate model class, because it has only one field other than foreign key, so in a person entity class directly we can map with String type.
Creating Entity class for parent table ( product table )
Here product table is a parent table for manufacturer and supplier table. We are going to use @ElementCollection and @CollectionTable annotations to establish one to many mapping.
@Table(name = "product")
public class Products {
@Column(name = "productid")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
Long pid;
@Column(name = "productname")
@Size(max = 100)
String pname;
@Column(name = "productdesc")
@Size(max = 100)
String pdesc;
// here we are going to use ElementCollection to enable Supplier table
@CollectionTable(name = "supliers", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="productid"))
@Column(name = "supliername")
Set<String> suppName= new HashSet<String>();
// ElementCollection for Manufacturer table with embeddable model class
@CollectionTable(name = "manfacturer",joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "productid"))
@AttributeOverride(name = "manufacturerName", column = @Column(name="mname"))
Set<Manufacturer> man = new HashSet<Manufacturer>();
public Products( @NotNull @Size(max = 100) String pname, @NotNull @Size(max = 100) String pdesc) {
this.pname = pname;
this.pdesc = pdesc;
public Products( @NotNull @Size(max = 100) String pname, @NotNull @Size(max = 100) String pdesc,
Set<String> suppName, Set<Manufacturer> man) {
this.pname = pname;
this.pdesc = pdesc;
this.suppName = suppName; = man;
Repository for products
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Products, Long> {
Inserting operation
String pname="Phone";
String pdesc="Mobile phone for calling";
Set<String> suppls= new HashSet<String>();
Set<Manufacturer> man= new HashSet<Manufacturer>();
man.add(new Manufacturer("Samsung", "India"));
// Without inserting values into supplier and manufacturer table
Products p= new Products(pname, pdesc);//, suppls, man);;
// With insertion of supplier and manufacturer
Products p= new Products(pname, pdesc, suppls, man);;
output of one to many mapping with ElementCollection |
Further Reading
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